Wish you had more time?

Take Back 10 Hours of Time in 14 Days.

Meet Top Business Strategist, 
Penny Zenker-Your Focusologist

Take Back Time:

Regain Focus

This study will support you  

to find your Time Vampires

and HOW to stop the
tug of war with time.

Yes, I Want To Join The Study

“Our first year together I doubled my business. By the end of this year, we have brought in 30% more with 2 less people and me working less and profiting more.”- Joe Thier

Are You Ready to Work Smarter?

Clarify and Manage Priorities

Understand how to find and focus 

on the 20% that get you 80% of the results.

Stay On Track

Align your actions with your goals. Increase accountability and consistency.

Reduce Workload

When you focus on the right things and work smart you don’t need to work as hard.

Boost Creativity

With more white space you will have more space for innovation and creativity.

Master Delegation

Gain clarity on what to delegate and how to most efficiently and delegate.


We record and track your results in a few different ways to measure your starting point and your progress. Compare you results to benchmarks.

Reduce Distractions

Focus and gatekeeper strategies help you to avoid, reduce and even eliminate distractions.

Expert Resources

Get access to the best productivity tools to manage, automate and streamline your work efforts.

Yes, I Want To Join The Study

This Study Will Open Your Eyes and Help You Close the Gap …

“This 14 day study created cognizance on some not so good work habits I’ve formed over the years; and the realization that some of these habits are actually impacting me negatively.”

– Gerri

“I’ve learned that planning my day a night before is way better! Somehow This process helped me categorize my duties and is much easier to plan a day. It is too early to say, but it could help me to sleep better in the long term. ”
– Miguel

“This has helped me open my eyes to spending time where I need to be spending it.”
– Wayne
“looking at the summaries, it helped me point out what I am not including and what I am not making enough time for.”
– Dave
“After doing this process I realize how all over the place I really was. Big tasks were taking me twice as long as they needed to.”
– Shauna
“I saw there were more than desired occasions where my time could have been better spent at higher value/return tasks vs low value/low return tasks. “
– Margie
Yes, I Want To Join The Study

Reduce Stress, Avoid Distractions
AND Work Less


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